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Select Feature not Working correctly

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2024 4:32 am
by sequentialmazescompany
Hello I use VGP for many reasons, but I mainly use it for drawing a type of Maze that I have invented. This website is the perfect for me and my Mazes but recently I have ran into a few problems, my main issue recently has been with the select function. I want to select a line I drew for the answer key to my Maze because I messed up on it, I click on the line so I can remove it or at least manipulate it, but it doesn't do anything, in order to select the line I have to click and drag and go over the entire line, but when I do that it also selects parts of the walls to the Maze and if I try to delete the line I messed up on it removes everything inside the selected area. And removing each individual point on the line takes too much time especially when I have deadlines to finish these for the Weekly Paper in my area.

I don't know what happened to the old select method where I could click and it would pop up options of piece of the sketch in the general area that I selected, but I would like that to be back.

Also now that I am here is there any way that we can add a way to save only a section of a sketch as an image, and allow it to keep the grid lines showing, currently what I am doing is screenshotting each Maze because the rules of the Maze require players to see the grid lines. Maybe this is already a function though and I just living under a rock.

Thank you for your time!