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Large Distance Grids?

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2024 11:44 pm
by coraIsmith219
I have to have a rectangle that is 35, 000 squares, but I don't know how (or if) I can snap it to the numbers without having to count out 35, 000 squared manually.. Any Suggestions? I am very new to VGP.

Re: Large Distance Grids?

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2024 7:52 am
by VGP
One way to achieve that is to use Ctrl-G to go to a specific coordinate. If you do that while a drawing tool is active (e.g. after placing one corner of a rectangle), you can continue drawing at the target coordinate.
Assuming your chosen grid cell size is small enough this should be ok.
Otherwise your sketch might quickly become too large, at which point you might run into all sorts of issues, most notably bad performance.

Another thing that might help, if you haven't tried it already, is turning on "coordinates view follows cursor" under Setup -> Interface.

Could you share more details about what you're working on and what is the result you're trying to achieve?